✈ 비행과 공부170 Departure Procedures Why are DPs necessary? (AIM 5-2-8 (a)) 1) To provide obstacle protection information to pilots 2) At busier airports, is to increase efficiency and reduce communications and departure delays through the use of SIDs. Departure procedure 를 사용한다는 것은 여러가지 말해야 할 상황들을 정해진 한 단어 또는 몇가지의 단어를 대신하여 알려주는 것과 같다. 예를 들면 책 10 쪽을 다 읽어준다기 보다는 "책 10쪽을 보고 가시면 됩니다" 정도? ODP SID - Provides obstacle clearance - Require.. 2023. 10. 10. Departure, Enroute, Arrival- Compliance with Departure, Enroute and Arrival 1. Instrument Flying under IFRThere are four segments for an instrument flying under IFR and each segment has specific procedures a) Departure b) En route c) Arrival d) Approach 2. Instrument Departure Procedures (DPs): SIDs& ODPs [AIM 5-2-8]- pre-planned IFR procedures - provide obstruction clearance from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure, - provide the pilot with a way to.. 2023. 10. 9. Preflight preparation_ Task C: Instrument Cockpit Check 1. Communications Equipment > Loss of communications under IFR may be considered an emergency requiring compliance with [91.185] - Confirm the position and stability of radio antennas - Use all radios prior to flight. Request "radio check" if necessary - Transponder on standby -> Reply light ON during warm-up 2. Navigation Equipment 1) VORs - Confirm the position and stability of navigation ante.. 2023. 9. 28. Task D_ Logbook Entries Related to Instrument Instruction 1. Logbook Entries A. Logging Instrument Flight Time (14 CFR 61.51 (g)) - May log instrument time only for that flight time when the person operates the aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions - An instructor may log instrument time when instructing in actual IFR conditions (Instrument instruction flight time) B. A flight simulator/ FTD .. 2023. 9. 27. Instrument Rating Requirement(3/3) 4. How to maintain IFR currency? (FAR 61.57 (c)) : a person may act as PIC under IFR or weather conditions less than VFR minimums. - All VFR currency requirements still apply (bare minimum requirement to be safe) - Flight review (과거 Biennial Flight Review (BFR)): to act as PIC of the airplane - Recent flight experiences: to carry passengers as PIC - 66HIT 66 HIT - Within 6 calendar months (CM) p.. 2023. 9. 25. Instrument Rating Requirements (2/3) *** be continued *** (3) Required instruments for the IFR flight (FAR 91.205) IFR 비행을 하기 위해서는 VFR에 필요한 것들을 충족시키며 동시에 IFR 에 관련된 것들도 충족되어야 한다. 91.205 91.205 (b)를 보게 되면 day and night VFR에 필요한 것들을 확인할 수 있다. a. VFR Day (ATOMATO FLAMES) Anti-collision light (Beacon light, SEtrobe light, Certified after March 11, 1996) Tachometer for each engine - RPM gauge Oil pressure gauge for each engine using pres.. 2023. 9. 21. Instrument Rating Requirements (1/3) 저번에 포스팅 한 내용에 조금 더 살을 더하게 되는 포스팅이 될 것 같다. Instrument Rating(IR) 을 가지게 되면 얻는 특권과 그것들을 유지하기 위해서는 무엇을 해야 하는지에 초점이 가게 된다. 1. What are Instrument Flight Rules(IFR)? It is rules and regulations established by the FAA to govern flight under conditions in which flight by outside visual reference is not safe. 비행을 하게 되면 밖을 보고 하는 VFR 이 가장 안전하고 확실하며 편하다. 그러나 기상악화나 시간등으로 인하여 밖을 쉽게 보지 못하는 경우도 생기게 된다. 이런 경우 밖을.. 2023. 9. 20. Task C: Regulations and Publications related to IFR operations (2/ 2) IFR을 하기 위하여는 Pilot 으로 PIC 가 될 수 있는 자격이 되어야 하지만, 동시에 비행기체도 IFR 을 할 수 있는 요구조건이 있다. 아래를 보게 되면 GRABCARD 는 IFR 을 위한 추가요구 사항이다. 그리고 ATOMATOFLAMES 의 경우 비행기가 날기 위하여 기본으로 필요한 조건이다. 1. Required Equipment (14 CFR 91.205) 1) For day (GRABCARD + ATOMATOFLAMES) Generator or Alternator Radios (two-way comm. and Nav) Altimeter (Sensitive, 20 increments, and Kollsman window, non-standard pressure adjustment) Bal.. 2023. 9. 19. Task C: Regulations and Publications related to IFR operations (1/ 2) IR privilege Instrument Rating(IR) 을 가지게 되면 아래와 같은 Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations 에 Privilege 를 가지게 된다. - PIC under IFR - Flight in IMC - Special VFR (SVFR) at night - Flight in Class A IFR 요구 조건 추가로 IFR 을 하기 위해서는 1) Flight plan 이 file 되어 있어야 하며, 그것을 2) ATC 에서 허가 해 주어야 한다. 이렇게 IFR operations 을 하게 되면 대부분의 비행경로는 ATC에서 정하게 된다. - ATC clearance to a filed flight plan Aeronautical Experience.. 2023. 9. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 19 다음