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✈ 비행과 공부/CFII

Departure Enroute, Arrival// Federal Airways, route information

by 하고싶은게비행 2023. 10. 12.

(2) Federal Airways

: 4 NM each sides from center, Magnetic, NM

(a) Victor airway (eg. V327)

- From 1,2000 feet AGL ~ not including 18,000 feet MSL vertically
- VOR based route, 4 NM each sides are protected
- Victor airways are give odd numbers when oriented north/ south, and even numbers when oriented east/ west
Eastbound – Magnetic track 000 to 179° – odd thousands (FL 250, 270, etc.) 
Westbound – Magnetic track 180 to 359° – even thousands

(b) Jet routes

- Exist only class A, from 18,000 feet MSL ~ FL 450

(c) T routes: RNAV route (low en route chart)

- From 1,200 feet AGL ~ 18,000 feet MSL
- RNAV route and data are depicted in aeronautical blue.

(d) Q routes: RNAV route (high en route charte)

- From 18,000 feet MSL ~ FL 450

(e) RNAV direct route

- Random RNAV route may be flown under IFR if it is approved by ATC
- is based on RNAV capability between waypoints
- ATC will provide radar monitoring and compatibility with traffic volume and flow but,
- Navigation on the random RNAV route is the responsibility of the pilot.

(3) Other Route Information

(a) Change over point (COPs)

- The point along an airway there to change from navigating FROM ON VOR and begin navigating TO THE NEXT VOR
Why do we need COPs?
- The frequency change might be required due to signal reception or conflicting frequencies. 

* How to identify the different COPs
- No COP (straight airway): switch to next VOR at 1/2 way point
- No COP (turning airway): switch to next VOR at the turn
- Published COP: switch to next VOR at COP
- If no DME capability in aircraft, switch when get reliable signal

(b) ARTCC(AIr Route Traffic Control Center) information

- ARTCC remote sites are depicted as blue serrated boxes and contain the center name, sector name, and frequency.


(4) ATC reports

- All pilots are required to report unforecast weather conditions or other information related to safety of flight to ATC
- Also, PIC should report as soon as practical to ATC any malfunctions of navigational, approach or communication equipment occurring in flight.

(a) Position reports

- Are required over each 'compulsory reporting point' along the route being flown regardless of altitude, including those with a VFR-on-top.
Where should I report?
- All IFR flight over each point used to define the route

- Only make report in a Non-radar environment
* ATC says "RADAR CONTACT lost" or "RADAR SERVICE terminated"
- Discontinue reports if ATC says "Radar contact"
How? (IPTATEN R), IFH 10-7
Position reports should include the following items,
- Identification
- Position
- Time
- Altitude or flight level (VFR-on-top)
- Type of flight plan
- ETA and name of next reporting point
- Name of next reporting point (following fix)
- Remarks

(b) Additional Reports (at any time), IFH 10-7 (MARVELOUS VFR 500)

This report should be made to ATC without a specific request.
- Missed approach (request clearance for a specific action, eg. alternative airport)
- Airspeed (TAS) change 5% or 10 kts (which is greater) at cruising altitude
- Reaching a clearance limit (time and altitude upon reaching hold fix or point)
- Vacating an assigned altitude
- ETA change of +- 3 mins (*non-radar contact)
- Leaving a holding fix
- Outer marker inbound (precision approach) (ATC knows where you are at ) (*non-radar contact)
- Un-forecasted weather
- Safety of flight (any issues of safety)
- VFR-on-top altitude changes
- Final Approach fix inbound (non-precision approach) (*non-radar contact)
- Radio/ NAV failure
- When unable to climb/ descent at a rate of at least 500 fpm
> Chart user guide book

