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✈ 비행과 공부/CFII

Departure Procedures

by 하고싶은게비행 2023. 10. 10.

Why are DPs necessary? (AIM 5-2-8 (a))

1) To provide obstacle protection information to pilots

2) At busier airports, is to increase efficiency and reduce communications and departure delays through the use of SIDs.


Departure procedure 를 사용한다는 것은 여러가지 말해야 할 상황들을 정해진 한 단어 또는 몇가지의 단어를 대신하여 알려주는 것과 같다. 예를 들면 책 10 쪽을 다 읽어준다기 보다는 "책 10쪽을 보고 가시면 됩니다" 정도?

- Provides obstacle clearance
- Required at any airport with an obstacle that breaks the 40:1 OIS (152 FPNM)
- Can be textual or graphical
- one per airport
- Provides obstacle clearance
- Typically, at airports with a lot of IFR traffic
- Often, multiple SIDs per airport
- Allows pilots to depart on course


How to fly a DP (AIM 5-2-9 (e))

1) Cross the DER at least 35 feet above the DER

2) Climb to 400 feet above the DER before making the initial turn

3) Maintain a minimum climb gradient of 200 FPNM or higher if specified


AIM 5-2-9 (e). What criteria is used to provide obstruction clearance during departure?


Takeoff weather minimums

1) Check to see if there is a "T" symbol on the approach charts, indicating 

- Takeoff minimums are non-standard

and/ or

- departure procedures are published.

If there is a "T" symbol, reference the "Takeoff minimums and (obstacle) departure procedures" section in the Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP)



2) If there is no "T" symbol, standard minimums applied

- 1 or 2 engin: 1 SM visibility

- 3 or more engine: ½ SM visibility


3) Under part 91, you don't have to comply with weather minimums, but that is very poor Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM). PIC is responsible for terrain separation until reaching the Minimum En-route Altitude (MEA).



Climb performance (at pre-flight)

- Required to comply with climb rate, even under part 91 

- (GS/ 60) * FPNM= required FPM --- or use the inside back cover of the TPP

Climb/ Descent table

- Have the student calculate the climb performance prior to their check-ride

- Use ground speed (GS) from their actual flight plan to determine climb rate

-Use PIM section 5 to interpolate the airplane's actual climb performance

- If PIM performance exceeds the required performance, you can legally fly the DP.



: If you don't want to fly an ODP, file "No DP" under the flight plan remarks. This should only be done when the pilot can guarantee obstacle clearance up to their MEA. PIC is responsible for all-terrain separation up to an MEA.

