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(생활영어) 매일 공부하는 영어: 구동사, 숙어 //2024.01.16. 1. Give in (굴복하다) 예문: After a long argument, he finally gave in and agreed to the compromise. 예문: It's essential to stand your ground but sometimes knowing when to give in is a sign of maturity. 2. Look up to (존경하다) 예문: As a child, I always looked up to my older sister for guidance and inspiration. 예문: Many students look up to their teachers as mentors and role models. 3. Turn down (거절하다) 예문: De.. 2024. 1. 17.
(생활영어) 매일 공부하는 영어: 구동사, 숙어 //2024.01.15. 1. Come across (우연히 발견하다) 예문: While hiking, I came across an old abandoned house in the woods. 예문: During my research, I came across an interesting article that supported my argument. 2. Break up (헤어지다) 예문: After years of being together, they decided to break up and pursue different paths. 예문: It's never easy to break up with someone, but sometimes it's necessary for personal growth. 3. Bring up.. 2024. 1. 16.
(생활영어) 영어 속담 3 가지 //2024.01.07. 1. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. (알이 부화하기 전에 닭을 세우지 마라.) 예문1: Planning a celebration for success is great, but don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 예문2: Investing in a startup holds potential, but it's wise not to count your chickens before they're hatched. 예문3: The project's success is promising, but let's not count our chickens before they're hatched; there's s.. 2024. 1. 8.
일상생활 영어표현 5가지// 2024.01.04. 1. Cut to the chase (본론으로 들어가다) 예문1: Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main points of the presentation. 예문2: Instead of going through all the details, can you cut to the chase and tell me the conclusion? 예문3: Time is limited, so let's cut to the chase and address the key issues. 2. Catch someone's eye (누군가의 시선을 끌다) 예문1: Her unique artwork always manages to catch people's eyes at the exhibit.. 2024. 1. 5.
일상생활 영어표현 5가지// 2024.01.02 Hang in there (힘을 내다) 예문1: I know the project is challenging, but hang in there; we'll get through it together. 예문2: Hang in there, the tough times won't last forever. 예문3: It's a difficult period, but hang in there, and things will eventually improve. Break a leg (행운을 빕니다) 예문1: Good luck on your performance tonight! Break a leg! 예문2: Break a leg in your job interview; I'm sure you'll impress th.. 2024. 1. 3.