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✈ 비행과 공부/영어

(생활영어) 매일 공부하는 영어: 구동사, 숙어 //2024.01.15.

by 하고싶은게비행 2024. 1. 16.


1. Come across (우연히 발견하다)

예문: While hiking, I came across an old abandoned house in the woods.

예문: During my research, I came across an interesting article that supported my argument.


2. Break up (헤어지다)

예문: After years of being together, they decided to break up and pursue different paths.

예문: It's never easy to break up with someone, but sometimes it's necessary for personal growth.


3. Bring up (언급하다)

예문: During the meeting, she brought up an important point that hadn't been considered.

예문: I didn't want to bring up the issue during the party, but it needed to be addressed.


4. Look forward to (기대하다)

예문: I always look forward to weekends; it's a time to relax and unwind.

예문: The team is looking forward to the upcoming project; it's a great opportunity for collaboration.


5. Run out of (다 쓰다, 고갈되다)

예문: I realized I had run out of milk, so I had to go to the store to buy more.

예문: We need to be careful with resources; we don't want to run out of supplies before the project is complete.

