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✈ 비행과 공부/영어

일상생활 영어표현 5가지// 2024.01.03.

by 하고싶은게비행 2024. 1. 4.


  1. Hit the road (출발하다)
    • 예문1: It's getting late; we should hit the road if we want to reach the destination before dark.
    • 예문2: After saying our goodbyes, it was time to hit the road and head back home.
    • 예문3: The family decided to hit the road early in the morning to avoid traffic.
  2. Burn bridges (관계를 끊다)
    • 예문1: Be careful not to burn bridges; you never know when you might need someone's help in the future.
    • 예문2: Quitting a job is one thing, but don't burn bridges with your colleagues; networking is essential.
    • 예문3: It's essential to leave a job gracefully without burning bridges for potential references.
  3. Cry over spilled milk (헛수고를 하다)
    • 예문1: Yes, we made a mistake, but there's no use crying over spilled milk; let's focus on finding a solution.
    • 예문2: Instead of crying over spilled milk, learn from your mistakes and move forward.
    • 예문3: The project didn't go as planned, but there's no point in crying over spilled milk; we'll do better next time.
  4. Under the weather (기분이 좋지 않은)
    • 예문1: I won't be able to make it to the meeting today; I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
    • 예문2: She's been under the weather for a couple of days and decided to take a sick leave.
    • 예문3: Don't worry if I seem quiet today; I'm just a bit under the weather.
  5. The ball is in your court (순서가 당신에게 돌았다)
    • 예문1: I've provided all the necessary information; now the ball is in your court to make the decision.
    • 예문2: You've been offered the job, so the ball is in your court to negotiate the terms.
    • 예문3: We've done everything on our end; the ball is now in their court to respond.
